Young Toddler Classroom
Our goals for this class include assisting your child in the process of learning about themselves and others, being independent, their feelings, how to communicate effectively as well as fine and gross motor development and the acquisition of thinking skills.
We understand that young toddler teacher has very important role in the child life at this stage. The young toddlers are discovering their verbal abilities and rely on teachers to translate their actions and babbling into words. Our teachers are encouraged to pursue the proper training to assist the children. Moreover the parents are welcome to offer their view to help the children.
Delco has adopted CREATIVE CURRICULUM to meet children’s academic needs. During the instruction time your child is being introduced to the concepts of ABC's, colors, shapes and numbers, singing, reading books during circle time. The staff assists children to improve small motor skills by free painting, coloring, sand and water play, and manipulative toys. Delco has beautiful outside playground with safety surface and grass area that allows the children to practice and develop their Large motor skills by rolling, throwing and catching a ball as well as jumping, climbing, hopping and riding age appropriate bikes.